I am sitting here thinking that today really went better than expected. My website went down at a time when I felt I needed it most.
After sending out multiple packages containing my recently printed Oracle card deck to clients, I included a QR code in the deck leading them to extra supporting materials. My goal was to guarantee that they had a valuable experience with the deck. Therefore, I contemplated the idea of providing resources on the website as a feasible solution for both parties. I pondered, what could possibly go awry?
Experiencing website downtime resulted in the loss of information and posed a significant challenge due to a busy schedule that included organizing an in-person event, working on the next video for a series, and meeting a client for a card reading upload. Being a sole proprietor, I had to quickly reassess my priorities and effectively communicate my requirements.
My savior arrived, along with my belief system and a touch of patience, as I tackled the technological challenge before me. Unsure of which button or link I had clicked, something incredible occurred - everything began to fall into place.
As I continued working, my project expanded. I added a booking system, followed by my initial product, and then a payment feature, which is currently not functioning properly in beta. Despite these tasks, I managed to take a short break to hang out the laundry and prepare some of my homemade mint tea.
Feeling somewhat reassured that the most important aspect of my work was completed and working! I moved on to revamp and clean up the website.
This morning, after a brief conversation on messenger with a friend, I expressed my thoughts to the universe, stating that things would work out today. Surprisingly, with some hard work, problem-solving abilities, and a positive attitude, everything fell into place for me.
Well, it's time to get back to work and finish the list of items that need my attention.
Peace out.